Directors: Andy Adams, Michele Briggs, Maddisen Durrant & Tim Briggs
Junior Camp is for kids in grades 3-6. Each summer there are two 1 week Junior Camp sessions. Children may attend one or both.
Mornings begin with cabin clean-up, breakfast and camp clean-up. Classes fill the rest of the morning.
Afternoons are the time for swimming/boating and cabin recreation activities.
Group games are on the menu after supper, followed by canteen, campfire-with games, songs and devotions, followed by bedtime.
Junior session offers many classes such as Bible, crafts, and nature studies, as well as paddle boat and canoeing lessons.
Available recreational activities include air hockey, basketball, board, card and table games, canoeing, fishing, archery, four and nine-square, Frisbee, hiking, paddle boats, kayaking, pool, shed ball, small group games, softball, swimming, table tennis, volleyball, and more .
Each week on Thursday there is a themed special event that has carnival-type activities: three-legged races, wheelbarrow races, Jacob’s ladder, balloon target throws, caber tossing and more.
Our goal is to give the children a good introduction to camp life by giving them role models and structured opportunities to learn about God and the Bible, about living and working in a group setting, and about being responsible.
We focus on teaching the Bible, having fun and making friends.