Nebraska Youth Camp became an official non-profit corporation on March 3rd, 1962.
The original Articles of Incorporation were signed by: Royce Blackburn, Colis Campbell, Howard Gurganus and Roger Hawley, all from York, Nebraska
The initial board of directors were: Royce Blackburn-York, Colis Campbell-York, LeRoy Davis-Omaha, Howard Gurganus-York, Roger W. Hawley-York, Glenn Larsen-Albion, Coleman Phelps, Jr.-Lincoln, Bruce Scroggin-Oak, and Harry Tubbs-Hastings.
First encampment was held on the York College campus.
Camp was held at Camp Kiwanis in Milford and in Fremont before the camp grounds by Kearney were purchased.
The camp grounds by Kearney were formerly called Camp Schwarzenau served by the church of the Brethren.
Reuben Sanner heard the camp was for sale and told his daughter and son-in-law: Helen and Raymond Hogins who informed the churches.
Reuben Sanner donated the first $50 towards the purchase of the property.
The walk-in cooler (used to be in the old Mess Hall) was purchased for $35 from a tavern near York.
The incinerator came from the Safeway store in Kearney in 1968.
A buffalo barbecue was held during a 4th of July celebration in the 1960’s.
The original two ovens were purchased from the Lincoln Public Schools.
The flag pole came from downtown Lincoln, 700 F Building at 13th and P.
The camp grounds were named Trail Junction because the Oregon Trail, Mormon Trail and possibly the Santa Fe Trail converged in this area according to Dr. Manley UNL History Professor (1970’s).
Seven acres on the North side of the interstate were considered too dangerous for water activities and sold.
Original camp site. Original dining hall, wood bathhouse and seven cabins. Included lake north of the interstate.
Historical Timeline
Camp Schwarzenau, now Nebraska Youth Camp, was rented for summer camp use by local churches of Christ .
A strip of land was purchased from the camp for Interstate 80.
A new lake was dug out on the south side of the interstate instead of being pumped out so it would be safe for swimming since it is shallower. (per Roger Hawley)
Nebraska Youth Camp, a non-profit corporation, was formed at York College.
Camp was held at various locations such as: York College, Camp Kiwanis in Milford and in Fremont.
Nebraska Youth Camp site near Kearney was purchased for $20,000.
The $8,000 down payment was raised from $100 donations from Church of Christ members.
Bruce Scoggins held a note for $12,000 for two years.
Camp sessions started with all ages together.
Camp ran from August 14 to 27 at Camp Kiwanis, camper costs were: $15/1 week; $25/2 weeks.
90 campers at 1st week; 75 campers at 2nd week.
Board enlarged from 12 to 15 members.
First donations for the purchase of the camp grounds in July of 1966 by Reuben Sanner of Kearney
A note program was organized whereas one or more $250 notes were held by members for a predetermined number of years and then either repaid or donated.
Camp increases to five weeks and divided ages – One week for Juniors, Two weeks for Intermediate and Senior sessions.
Barracks building remodeled for Nurse cabin on east end, women’s staff on west end and storage in the center.
Mohawk cabin constructed for $288, Apache cabin remodeled
Made arrangements to sell property North of Interstate
$11,000 left on property note.
192 campers
134 paid members, 13 life members.
$6,500 left on property note
Board decided to pay some counselors
Rewired the Kitchen
282 campers
Increased to six weeks of camp
Purchased two canoes
Introduced campers to sailboards
North property sale completed for $3,900
$2,250 remaining on property note
Camp property paid off in November
Money raised for construction of new bath house
New Bath House constructed
218 campers
Built Arapaho cabin
Introduction of Family Camp, 104 in attendance
250 campers
Flood, only three weeks of camp, two weeks of Senior, one week of Junior.
Men’s Retreat held, 50 in attendance
190 campers at seven weeks of camp
Amphitheater constructed (burned in 2009)
June Youth Rally, Men’s Retreat, Family Camp added to the schedule
200 campers
Introduction of Dads & Lads, 101 in attendance.
Replaced floors in Oriole, Bob-O-Link, and Nunami cabins
New floating swimming dock to replace dock on poles
Introduction of Ladies & Lassies
Caretaker moved onto camp grounds – David & Sandy Hogans
Bell Tower constructed – Bell came from Geneva Church of Christ
New Chibcha cabin constructed
Theme: “Make a Difference”
New Comanche cabin constructed
Theme: “As Iron Sharpens Iron”
Introduction of three day beginner session, 44 in attendance
Caretaker moved to front gate
Long Range Planning initiated by the board
Board divided into three committees
Theme: “Children of the King”
Women added to Camp Board of Directors
Booster Clubs started
Four goals adopted by the board
Newsletter published quarterly
Remodeled canteen for office
Severe storm destroys tire tree East of old Mess Hall
Theme: “My Way or Yahweh”
Construction of 1st Staff cabin – cost: $11,000.00
Camp flooded – foot bridge constructed to reach cabins
Heart of a Servant Award: Harold & Deena Tandy
Theme: “Into His Hands”
New Well dug and hooked up to current water system
First storm shelter installed
Architectural Design Assoc. helped master plan development
River bank stabilization initiated
Heart of a Servant Award: Harold & Muriel Luke
Theme: “Celebrate Jesus”
Electrical hookups for campers installed
Harrison/Hempe/Davis. Inc. Camp Planning / Development Consultants commissioned
501(c)(3) Federal Tax Exemption status granted
Heart of a Servant Award: Reed & Betty Munsell
Theme: “Discovering God”
405 campers
Nebraska state sales tax exemption granted
NYC Web Site started
Theme: “The Christian Walk: It’s a Spirit Thing”
NYC Cookbook “Recipes from the Heart” – 1st edition printed
1st Annual Bike Trek across Nebraska
Beginners 2 session added
Intermediate 3 session added – Eight weeks of summer camp
New Entrance Sign created by Doc Baker was installed
Soccer field cleared and leveled and grass planted
4 more Storm Shelters installed
2 Picnic Shelters constructed
Theme: “Jesus, The Solid Rock, in a Quicksand World”
Basketball Court Completed
2nd Annual Bike Trek
“Never Alone Retreat” added
2nd Staff Cabin constructed – cost: $22,000.00
Heart of a Servant Award: Jerry Munsell
Theme: “Our God Reigns Always”
605 campers – 17 baptisms
Website moved to
Mess Hall reroofed
Heart of a Servant Award: Coleman Phelps
Theme: Spirit Power “A Call to Believe”
Efforts made to purchase Camp Riverside at Milford
Blackfoot cabin restored after 10 years of non-use
Purchased Gateway modular home for caretaker house – $70,000.00